The Dark Night of the Soul

Jul 17, 2023
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There are many of us that want the struggles in our work and life to come to an end.

The struggles of making money.

The challenges of relationships with our family, friends and co-workers.

And the challenges of making amends with our past whatever it may be.

We want to find the key to make it all disappear.  So that it never existed in the first place.

Because of the hurt that continues to live on in our minds.

The past that keeps coming up in everything that we do in our daily lives.

And having to face the challenges of living life with a world that doesn’t seem to be listening.

All of these are my experiences, too.

Some call it the dark night of the soul or the feeling as if they are going into a black hole.

Where there is nothing. 

Because it feels like you have been sucked in.

And feeling helpless. 

But therein lies the potential.

In that space of nothingness.  That black hole.

I have been there. 

And I have pulled back in fear. 

Until I decided to allow myself to be pulled inside of it.

To alchemize it all. 

For healing.




My future.

Because my future is here.

It has always been here – in me.

And it is in you.  

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